You can provides powerful search feature in your websiste using Algolia.
We need install total 5 package to finish this task.
npm install vue-instantsearch algoliasearch nuxt-content-algolia remove-markdown v-click-outside --save
// /plugins/vue-instantsearch.js import Vue from 'vue' import InstantSearch from 'vue-instantsearch' Vue.use(InstantSearch)
// /nuxt.config.js export default { // ... plugins: [ '~/plugins/vue-instantsearch' ], // ... }
// /nuxt.config.js export default { build: { transpile: ['vue-instantsearch', 'instantsearch.js/es'] }, }
to send index to Algolia// /nuxt.config.js export default { // ... buildModules: [ 'nuxt-content-algolia' ], nuxtContentAlgolia: { appId: process.env.ALGOLIA_APP_ID, apiKey: process.env.ALGOLIA_API_KEY, paths: [ { name: 'articles', index: 'articles', fields: ['title', 'description', 'bodyPlainText'] } ] }, }
file and set required variablesAlgolia API Key is is not your search only key but the key that grants access to modify the index.
You can generate a new API key in Algolia admin page.
// /.env ALGOLIA_APP_ID=your-algolia-app-id ALGOLIA_API_KEY=your-algolia-api-key
Html tags and other attributes is not needed when search. So, we create a plain body text using remove-markdown package.
// /nuxt.config/js export default { // ... hooks: { 'content:file:beforeInsert': (content) => { const removeMd = require('remove-markdown'); if (content.extension == 'md') { content.bodyPlainText = removeMd(content.text); } } } }
component in /components folder<template> <ais-instant-search :search-client="searchClient" index-name="articles" > <ais-configure :attributesToSnippet="['bodyPlainText']" :hits-per-page.camel="5" /> <ais-autocomplete v-click-outside="onClickOutside"> <div slot-scope="{ currentRefinement, indices, refine }" class="md:relative"> <div class="relative"> <font-awesome-icon :icon="['fas', 'search']" class="absolute h-4 text-gray-400 mt-3 ml-3" /> <input type="search" ref="searchInput" class="w-full py-2 px-4 pl-10 bg-gray-100 rounded" :value="currentRefinement" @input="refine($event.currentTarget.value)" placeholder="Search - Ctrl+K to focus" autocomplete="off" @focus="showResults = true" @keydown.up.prevent="highlightPrevious(indices[0].hits.length)" @keydown.down.prevent="highlightNext(indices[0].hits.length)" @keydown.enter="goToArticle(indices)" > </div> <div v-if="currentRefinement.length && showResults" class="absolute right-0 z-10 transform mt-3 px-2 w-screen max-w-md sm:px-0"> <div class="rounded-lg shadow-lg ring-1 ring-black ring-opacity-5 overflow-hidden"> <div class="relative grid gap-6 bg-white text-gray-700 px-4 py-4 sm:gap-8 sm:p-4"> <div v-if="currentRefinement" v-for="section in indices" :key="section.objectID" class="divide-y divide-gray-300"> <div v-if="section.hits.length"> <h2 class="uppercase text-gray-700 py-1 px-2">{{ section.indexName }}</h2> </div> <NuxtLink to="#" v-for="(hit, index) in section.hits" :key="hit.objectID" class="block text-sm col-span-2 py-2 transition ease-in-out duration-150" :class="{ 'bg-gray-100': isCurrentIndex(index) }"> <div class="px-2" @mouseover="highlightedIndex = index"> <ais-highlight attribute="title" :hit="hit" class="block text-gray-600 font-semibold tracking-wide" /> <ais-snippet attribute="bodyPlainText" :hit="hit" class="block text-gray-400 font-base" /> </div> </NuxtLink> </div> <ais-powered-by theme="light" class="px-2" /> </div> </div> </div> </div> </ais-autocomplete> </ais-instant-search> </template> <script> import algoliasearch from 'algoliasearch/lite' import vClickOutside from 'v-click-outside' export default { directives: { clickOutside: vClickOutside.directive }, data() { return { searchClient: algoliasearch ('6C3W4JP2I6', 'ea72adbc6e9f7b4da0b111f7319cd3a3'), showResults: false, highlightedIndex: -1 } }, mounted() { this.$nextTick(function () { window.addEventListener('keydown', event => { if((event.metaKey || event.ctrlKey) && event.key === 'k') { this.$refs.searchInput.focus() event.preventDefault() } }) }) }, watch: { '$route' () { this.showResults = false this.$refs.searchInput.blur() } }, methods: { onClickOutside() { this.showResults = false }, highlightPrevious(resultsCount) { if (this.highlightedIndex > 0) { this.highlightedIndex -= 1 } else { this.highlightedIndex = resultsCount - 1 } }, highlightNext(resultsCount) { if (this.highlightedIndex < resultsCount - 1) { this.highlightedIndex += 1 } else { this.highlightedIndex = 0 } }, isCurrentIndex(index) { return index === this.highlightedIndex }, goToArticle(indices) { this.$nuxt.$router.push('/articles/' + indices[0].hits[this.highlightedIndex].objectID) } } } </script>
<Search />
vue component in your layout of page<template> <header> <Search /> </header> </template>