We can easily add social sharing buttons to your NuxtJS project using vue-social-sharing package.
npm install vue-social-sharing --save
to modules in your nuxt.config.jsexport default { modules: [ 'vue-social-sharing/nuxt', ], }
export default { data() { return { article: {}, tags: [], prev: null, next: null, sharing: { url: process.env.baseUrl + this.$route.fullPath, title: '', description: '', quote: '', hashtags: '', twitterUser: 'zemna' }, networks: [ { network: 'facebook', icon: ['fab', 'facebook-f'], color: '#1877f2' }, { network: 'twitter', icon: ['fab', 'twitter'], color: '#1da1f2' }, { network: 'messenger', icon: ['fab', 'facebook-messenger'], color: '#0084ff' }, { network: 'pinterest', icon: ['fab', 'pinterest'], color: '#bd081c' }, { network: 'telegram', icon: ['fab', 'telegram-plane'], color: '#0088cc' }, { network: 'whatsapp', icon: ['fab', 'whatsapp'], color: '#25d366' }, ] } }, }
export default { async fetch () { // Change asyncData() to fetch() to access 'this' inside function this.article = await this.$content('articles', this.$route.params.slug).fetch() this.tags = [] if (this.article.tags) { const tagsList = await this.$content('tags') .only(['name', 'slug']) .where({ slug: { $containsAny: this.article.tags } }) .fetch() this.tags = Object.assign({}, ...tagsList.map((s) => ({ [s.name]: s }))) } [this.prev, this.next] = await this.$content('articles') .only(['title', 'slug']) .sortBy('createdAt', 'asc') .surround(this.$route.params.slug) .fetch() }, }
export default { watch: { article: function (val) { this.sharing.title = this.article.title this.sharing.description = this.article.description this.sharing.hashtags = this.article.tags.toString() } }, }
<ShareNetwork />
vue component in your templateI'll use <font-awesome-icon />
vue component to display social media icon. This article helps you to setup.
<template> <div> <ShareNetwork v-for="network in networks" :network="network.network" :key="network.network" :style="{backgroundColor: network.color}" :url="sharing.url" :title="sharing.title" :description="sharing.description" :quote="sharing.quote" :hashtags="sharing.hashtags" :twitterUser="sharing.twitterUser"> <font-awesome-icon :icon="network.icon" class="text-white fa-fw fa-lg" /> </ShareNetwork> </div> </template>