Rocket.Chat is the best Slack altenative.
If company also has issue management like JIRA and source code repository management system like BitBucket, you can also sending message to Rocket.Chat automatically to easy notify update information about your work progress.
You can see the integration guide from Rocket.Chat documentation.
In Rocket.Chat go to "Administration" -> "Users" and create new bot user(Select user role to Bots
). We will use this user as a sender of JIRA notification. Just make a user like 'jira' and activite it.
/*jshint esnext:true*/
const DESC_MAX_LENGTH = 140;
const JIRA_LOGO = '';
function stripDesc(str) {
if (str)
return str.length > DESC_MAX_LENGTH ? str.slice(0, DESC_MAX_LENGTH - 3) + '...' : str;
return '';
function prepareAttachment({issue, user}, text) {
let issueType = issue.fields.issuetype;
let res = {
author_name: user.displayName
, author_icon: user.avatarUrls['24x24']
, thumb_url: issueType.iconUrl
if (text) {
text = text.replace(/{{(user|issue).([^a-z_0-9]+)}}/g, (m, type, key) => (type==='user' ? user : issue)[key]);
res.text = text;
return res;
class Script {
process_incoming_request({request}) {
const data = request.content;
try {
if (!data.issue || (data.user && === 'gitlab')) {
let issue = data.issue;
let baseJiraUrl = issue.self.replace(//rest/.*$/, '');
let user = data.user;
let assignedTo = (issue.fields.assigned && !== ? `, assigned to ${}` : '';
let issueSummary = `[${issue.key}](${baseJiraUrl}/browse/${issue.key}) ${issue.fields.summary} _(${^s*d*.s*/, '')}${assignedTo})_`;
let message = {
icon_url: (issue.fields.project && issue.fields.project.avatarUrls && issue.fields.project.avatarUrls['48x48']) || JIRA_LOGO
, attachments: []
if (data.webhookEvent === 'jira:issue_created') {
message.attachments.push(prepareAttachment(data, `*Created* ${issueSummary}:n${stripDesc(issue.fields.description)}`));
} else if (data.webhookEvent === 'jira:issue_deleted') {
message.attachments.push(prepareAttachment(data, `*Deleted* ${issueSummary}`));
} else if (data.webhookEvent === 'jira:issue_updated') {
if (data.changelog && data.changelog.items) { // field update
let logs = [];
data.changelog.items.forEach((change) => {
if (!change.field.match('status|resolution|comment|priority') ) {
if (change.field==='description') {
logs.push(`Changed *description* to:n${stripDesc(change.toString)}`);
} else {
logs.push(`*${change.field}* changed from ${change.fromString} to *${change.toString}*`);
logs.length && message.attachments.push(prepareAttachment(data, `*Updated* ${issueSummary}:n - ${logs.join('n - ')}`));
if (data.comment) { // comment update
let comment = data.comment;
let action = comment.created !== comment.updated ? 'Updated comment' : 'Commented';
message.attachments.push(prepareAttachment(data, `*${action}* on ${issueSummary}:n${stripDesc(comment.body)}`));
if (message.text || message.attachments.length) {
return {content:message};
} catch(e) {
console.log('jiraevent error', e);
return {
error: {
success: false,
message: `${e.message || e} ${JSON.stringify(data)}`
Press Save Changes
button and copy Webhook URL
Go to JIRA as administrator and goto "System" -> "WebHooks" and click "Create a WebHook". Input like this:
All done. Your JIRA notifications will be sent to Rocket.Chat.
Just like the step 1 of JIRA integration, create a new bot user like 'bitbucket'.
Same as step 2 of JIRA integration, but use this script to Script section.
Press Save Changes
button and copy `Webhook URL'.
BitBucket doesn't have WebHook function basically, But they provide it as add-on.
Got to BitBucket as administrator and goto "Administration" -> "Find new add-ons". Search Bitbucket Web Post Hooks Plugin
and install it.
BitBucket have to setting hook per repository. Click repository and go to "Settings" -> "Hooks" and click "Post-Receive WebHooks".
Paste WebHook URL
you copied by step 2.
All done. BitBucket notifications will be sent to Rocket.Chat.