I got the problem when using bican/roles
Role module in my Laravel project.
There is an error when I check permission.
So I decided to move zizaco/entrust
and tested all features working normal.
$ composer require zizaco/entrust:5.2.x-dev
Add bellow line to providers
array in config/app.php
Add bellow line to aliases
array in config/app.php
'Entrust' => ZizacoEntrustEntrustFacade::class,
Add bellow lines to routeMiddleware
array in app/Http/Kernal.php
'role' => ZizacoEntrustMiddlewareEntrustRole::class,
'permission' => ZizacoEntrustMiddlewareEntrustPermission::class,
'ability' => ZizacoEntrustMiddlewareEntrustAbility::class,
file$ php artisan vendor:publish
$ php artisan entrust:migration
It will generate the
Execute migration
$ php artisan migrate
After create
, you have to write your users table in this file. Open
file and write name of users table to 28 line
in .env
In Laravel 5.2, error is occured when delete role. Because Entrust get User class using Config::get('auth.model')
EntrustRoleTrait.php file
* Many-to-Many relations with the user model.
* @return IlluminateDatabaseEloquentRelationsBelongsToMany
public function users()
return $this->belongsToMany(Config::get('auth.model'), Config::get('entrust.role_user_table'),Config::get('entrust.role_foreign_key'),Config::get('entrust.user_foreign_key'));
// return $this->belongsToMany(Config::get('auth.model'), Config::get('entrust.role_user_table'));
So We have to return right user model by that position. There are two solutions for this.
We can change Config::get('auth.model')
to Config::get('auth.providers.users.model')
. Laravel 5.2 already have users model information in that position.
value to config/auth.php fileWe can also add new value to config/auth.php file to allow Entrust get rights value.
return [
* Add this configuration for Entrust
'model' => AppUser::class,